Never Trust the Client: Architecting a Resilient API
PublishedReading time: 4 minutesIt's important to architect your APIs in a way that can't be spoofed by a mischievous client application.
Adding ETag Support to Remix
PublishedReading time: 6 minutesLearn what an ETag and If-None-Match are, why they're beneficial to your users, and how to implement them in your Remix application quickly and easily with remix-etag.
SSR Date Formatting in Remix using the User's Locale
PublishedReading time: 5 minutesHow I achieved consistent date formatting in Remix on both client side and server side rendered React using a LocaleProvider and Intl.DateTimeFormat.
Markdown API Guide
PublishedReading time: 5 minutesThis API Guide will get you familiar with the Markdown syntax supported by remix-blog.